考完期末考, 又到了書單分享的時候。大少四年級(2011年6月到2012 年5月)所閱讀的英文書單完全反應了他這一年的成長。三年級的他還比較喜歡幽默搞笑的作品,但這一年之間,他完全進入另一個閱讀世界。他今年最愛的三套書是︰迷惑又驚險的天才神祕會社 The Mysterious Benedict Society, 融合希臘神話的波西傑克森 Percy Jackson & The Olympians, 和無情決鬥的飢餓遊戲The Hunger Games . 光看書名就知道他今年狂愛冒險小說。閱讀時的緊張感除了讓他欲罷不能地一本接一本〞追〞書外,對這些奇幻文學作品中的神祕及神奇人物,他更是著迷﹗ 這三套書都算是少年讀物(Teen or Young Adult),所以我也蠻驚訝他十歲就可以接受。不過看他好像犯了書癮一樣,一再重讀,就不難知道他真的很喜歡它們。後面兩套書讀完後,也看了相關的電影。不過可能他讀完原著心中早己有了圖片,看了電影後總是很失望,覺得書比電影精彩得多﹗
今年看的書,從數量來說確實少了不少(大概只有去年的一半),但我一直以來也不贊同香港教育局和圖書館合辦的〞兒童及青少年閱讀計劃〞以閱讀書本數量來衡量兒童的閱讀。書的深淺和故事的長度都會影響總閱讀的數量。所以我告訴大少,更本不需理會數量,因為我們的目標應該是不斷提升自己的閱讀能力,接觸更多種類的書,接觸不同的作家和寫作風格,並且儘量討論內容。而絕對不是為了數量而讀。 我很高興他今年肯接受(並愛上)他以前完全不肯接受,覺得太恐怖的奇幻小說(雖然我很好奇他為什麼仍然不肯接受哈利波特)。看幽默的書能哈哈大笑,看懸疑的書會呼吸困難,兩種完全不同的享受正體現閱讀奇妙之處︰書本真的能夠帶我們進入完全不同的世界﹗
學校方面閱讀仍然毫無進展。圖書堂不常上課,千盼萬盼一年間只做了兩個 project。一個是團體故事創作,一個是讀書報告。但讀書報告要閱讀的〞書〞只有三頁。無論母語中文課,或外語英文課中仍然沒能加入閱讀書籍的元素,還是以閱讀課文為主。雖然我一直深信閱讀的習慣必須從很小的時候就靠父母耐心的培養才會成功,但還是很遺憾學校未能提供 "guided reading". 因為雖然好的閱讀習慣並非人人都有,但我卻深深相信天下沒有不愛聽故事的孩子。如果學校的老師可以在課堂上閱讀一些優良的小說(因為三四年級的小學生真的應該脫離繪本漫畫,進入小說世界),並在閱讀後進行團體討論,那就太棒了﹗ 長期有恆心的閱讀,就算一天只讀短短一個章節,都可以提升孩子的聽力和理解力;更重要的是,可以讓原本沒有機會接觸書本的小孩愛上閱讀。如果說閱讀只是為了提高 PISA 等 standardized testing 的成績,閱讀好的國家只是因為閱讀理解題目回答的分數高,那麼閱讀對學生們的真正意義就完全喪失,這是多麼悲哀啊﹗
剛才媽媽又看了一次書單,發現除了冒險小說外,他今年也看了不少 Marvel Heroes 的人物誌和漫畫。不過這類漫畫和香港流行的韓式日式畫風非常不同,雖然畫的很棒,但內容比較暴力。還好他也有讀其他種類的書,否則還真不知道怎麼平衡呢﹗ 各位媽媽會不會不允許孩子看這類書籍呢?
來看看書單吧﹗ 紅色的是大少大力推薦的作品哦﹗
Title |
Author |
100 Most Awesome Things on the Planet |
Claybourne, Anna |
100 Most Disgusting Things on the Planet |
Claybourne, Anna |
A Bear for Miguel |
Alphin, Elaine Marie |
A to Z Mysteries – The Kidnapped King |
Roy, Ron |
A to Z Mysteries – The X’ed-Out X-Ray |
Roy, Ron |
A to Z Mysteries – The Zombie Zone |
Roy, Ron |
An Amelia Bedelia Celebration |
Parish, Peggy |
Andrew Lost on Earth |
Greenburg, J.C. |
Animorephs The Encounter |
Applegate, K.A. |
Animorphs – The Beginning |
Applegate, K.A. |
Animorphs – The Exposed |
Applegate, K.A. |
Animorphs – The Familiar |
Applegate, K.A. |
Animorphs – The Invasion |
Applegate, K.A. |
Animorphs – The Message |
Applegate, K.A. |
Animorphs – The Pretender |
Applegate, K.A. |
Animorphs – The Prophecy |
Applegate, K.A. |
Animorphs – The Visitor |
Applegate, K.A. |
Arthur in New York |
Brown, Marc |
Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes |
Conway, Gerry |
Batman – Arctic Attack |
Greenberger, Robert |
Batman – Catwoman’s Classroom of Claws |
Sonneborn, Scott |
Batman – Harley Quinn’s Shocking Surprise |
Hoena, Blake |
Batman – My Frozen Valentine |
Fein, Eric |
Batman – The Man Behind the Mask |
Dahl, Michael |
Ben 10 Ultimate Alien Holiday Annual |
Network, Cartoon |
Big Nate and Friends |
Peirce, Lincoln |
Big Nate From The Top |
Peirce, Lincoln |
Big Nate Goes For Broke |
Peirce, Lincoln |
Big Nate in a Class by Himself |
Pierce, Lincoln |
Big Nate on a Roll |
Pierce, Lincoln |
Big Nate Out Loud |
Peirce, Lincoln |
Big Nate Strikes Again |
Peirce, Lincoln |
Brian’s Winter |
Paulsen, Gary |
Bruining Bruce Wayne |
Kowitt, Holly |
Calendar Mysteries – January Joker |
Roy, Ron |
Caveman Manners and Other Polite Poems |
Steinberg, David |
Diary of a Wimpy Kid – Cabin Fever |
Kinney, Jeff |
Dragon Gets By |
Pilkey, Dav |
Franny K. Stein Mad Scientist – Attack of the 50-Ft. Cupid |
Benton, Jim |
Franny K. Stein Mad Scientist – The Fran With Four Brains |
Benton, Jim |
Franny K. Stein Mad Scientist – The Frandidate |
Benton, Jim |
From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs.Basil E Frank Weiler |
Konigsburg, E.L. |
Geronimo Stilton – The Amazing Voyage |
Stilton, Geronimo |
Greek Beasts and Heroes - The Beasts in the Jar |
Coats, Lucy |
Greek Beasts and Heroes – The Dolphin’s Message |
Coast, Lucy |
Greek Beasts and Heroes - The Dragon’s Teeth |
Coats, Lucy |
Greek Beasts and Heroes – The Fire Breather |
Coats, Lucy |
Greek Beasts and Heroes - The Harp of Death |
Coats, Lucy |
Greek Beasts and Heroes - The Monster in the Maze |
Coast, Lucy |
Greek Myths for Young Children |
Williams, Marcia |
Happy Feet Two The Novel |
Livingston, Paul |
Harry and the Dinosaurs Roar to the Rescue! |
Whybrow, Ian |
Heart of a Samurai |
Preus, Margi |
Horrible Science – Angry Animals |
Arnold, Nick |
Horrible Science – Blood, Bones and Body Bits |
Arnold, Nick |
Horrible Science – Chemical Chaos |
Arnold, Nick |
Horrible Science – Deadly Diseases |
Arnold, Nick |
Horrible Science – Evolve or Die |
Gates, Phil |
Horrible Science – Nasty Nature |
Arnold, Nick |
Horrible Science – Painful Poison |
Arnold, Nick |
Horrible Science – Shocking Electricity |
Arnold, Nick |
Horrible Science – Ugly Bugs |
Arnold, Nick |
Horrible Science – Vicious Veg |
Arnold, Nick |
How They Croaked |
Bragg, Georgia |
Judy Moody Around the World in 8 1/2 Days |
Mcdonald, Megan |
Junie B. Jones is (almost) a Flower Girl |
Park, Barbara |
Junie B. Jones is Captain Field Day |
Park, Barbara |
Junie B., First Grader Boss of Lunch |
Park, Barbara |
Junie B., First Grader Jingle Bells, Batman Smells! |
Park, Barbara |
Kung Fu Panda 2 – Kaboom of Doom |
Hapka, Cathy |
Magic Tree House – Abe Lincoln at Last! |
Osborne, Mary Pope |
Magic Tree House – Dogs in the Dead of Night |
Osborne, Mary Pope |
Middle School The Worst Years of My Life |
Patterson, James |
Mixed-Up Max |
King-Smith, Dick |
Moby Dick |
Olmstead, Kathleen |
Mr. Louie is Screwy! |
Gutman, Dan |
Mr. Macky is Wacky! |
Gutman, Dan |
My Weird School – Mr. Hynde is out of His Mind! |
Gutman, Dan |
My Weird School – Mrs. Younkers is Bonkers! |
Gutman, Dan |
My Weird School – Ms. Todd is Odd! |
Gutman, Dan |
My Weird School Daze – Dr.Brad Has Gone Mad! |
Gutman, Dan |
My Weird School Daze - Miss Child Has Gone Wild |
Gutman, Dan |
My Weird School Daze - Miss Laney is Zany! |
Gutman, Dan |
My Weird School Daze – Miss Mary is Scary! |
Gutman, Dan |
My Weird School Daze – Miss Small Is off the Wall |
Gutman, Dan |
My Weird School Daze - Mr. Granite is from Another Planet! |
Gutman, Dan |
My Weird School Daze – Mrs. Lizzy is Dizzy! |
Gutman, Dan |
Nate the Great and the Fishy Prize |
Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman |
Ninjago Cole and Jay |
Farshtey, Greg |
Notes from the Dog |
Paulsen, Gary |
Number the Stars |
Lowry, Lois |
Percy Jackson & The Olympians Book Five: The Last Olympian |
Riordan, Rick |
Percy Jackson & The Olympians Book Four: The Battle of the Labyrinth |
Riordan, Rick |
Percy Jackson & The Olympians Book One: The Lightning Thief |
Riordan, Rick |
Percy Jackson & The Olympians Book Three: The Titan’s Curse |
Riordan, Rick |
Percy Jackson & The Olympians Book Two: The Sea of Monsters |
Riordan, Rick |
Sarah, Plain and Tall |
MacLachlan, Patricia |
Sea Monsters – A Prehistoric Adventure |
Delano, Marfe |
Secret Agent Jack Stalwart – The Escape of the Deadly Dinosaur: USA |
Hunt, Elizabeth Singer
Secret Agent Jack Stalwart – The Theft of the Samurai Sword: Japan |
Hunt, Elizabeth Singer |
Shiloh |
Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds |
Soccer Sam |
Marzollo, Jean |
Spider-Man – A Great Day |
Seidman, David |
Super Chicken Nugget Boy and the Pizza Planet People |
Lewis, Josh |
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian |
Alexie, Sherman |
The Amazing Spider-Man – The Clone Trap |
Harper, Benjamin |
The Amazing Spider-Man – The Secret life of Black Cat |
Teitelbalum, Michael |
The Avengers – The Ultimate Character Guide |
Cowsill, Alan |
The Berenstain Bears and No Guns Allowed |
Berenstain, Stan & Jan |
The Berenstain Bears and the Big Date |
Berenstain, Stan & Jan |
The Berenstain Bears and the Ghost of the Forest |
Berenstain, Stan & Jan |
The Berenstain Bears and the Trouble With Grownups |
Berenstain, Stan & Jan |
The Cricket in Times Square |
Selden, George |
The Dragon Detective Agency – The Case of the Missing Cats |
Jones, Gareth P. |
The Heroes of Olympus – The Lost Hero |
Riordan, Rick |
The Heroes of Olympus – The Son of Neptune |
Riordan, Rick |
The Higher Power of Lucky |
Patron, Susan |
The Hunger Games |
Meyer, Stephenie |
The Hunger Games – Catching Fire |
Meyer, Stephenie |
The Hunger Games Mocking Jay |
Meyer, Stephenie |
The Karate Class Mystery |
Levy, Elizabeth |
The Magic School Bus Chapter Book – Penguin Puzzle |
Stamper, Bauer |
The Minotaur |
Punter, Russell |
The Mysterious Benedict Society |
Stewart, Trenton Lee |
The Mysterious Benedict Society and the Perilous Journey |
Stewart, Trenton Lee |
The Mysterious Benedict Society and the Prisoner’s Dilemma |
Stewart, Trenton Lee |
The Mystery of the Pirate Ghost |
Hayes, Geoffrey |
The Time Warp Trio – Your Mother Was a Neanderthal |
Scieszka, Jon |
The Time Warp Trio 2095 |
Scieszka, Jon |
The Ultimate Guide to Percy Jackson & The Olympians |
Knight, Mary-Jane |
The Uncanny X-Men |
Thomas, Rich |
The View from Saturday |
Konigsburg, E. L. |
The Whipping Boy |
Fleischman, Sid |
The Winter Room |
Gary, Paulsen |
The Wonderful Adventures of Nils |
Lagerlof, Selma |
The Young Scientist – How Beavers Build Their Homes |
Chuah, Hock Seng |
The Young Scientist – Polar Bears’ Predicament |
Seng, Chuah Hock |
Thea Stilton and the Star Castaways |
Stilton, Thea |
Titus Rules Ok |
King-Smith, Dick |
Tuck Everlasting |
Babbitt, Natalie |
Uncle Elephant |
Lobel, Arnold |
Usborne Illustrated Stories from the Greek Myths |
Punter, Russell |
Wolverine – Inside the World of the Living Weapon |
Manning, Matthew K. |
大少一年級的英文書單 - 1st Grade English Books Reading List