I think tears almost rolled down my cheek when you walked down the aisle as the valedictorian of your class for your high-school graduation. As a sister that's five years older than you, seeing you beholding such honors really makes me so proud of you, almost like as if you were my own child! I believe that you have always accomplished the “American dreams” that we two elder ones didn't achieve. From taking AP English, to minoring in rhetoric, these are all things that I wish I could have done, but of course, didn't dare to do. When dad called me about the great news that you are, as of today, accepted to the three top business schools, namely Wharton (University of Pennsylvania), Kellogg (Northwestern), and HAAS (UC Berkeley), for their MBA program, we couldn't help it but to feel so very proud of our little sister. No matter which school you end up choosing, we are so happy for you…and of course, when you come out of the business school landing a great job, don't forget to hire me as your assistant! (or at least make me the baby-sitter for your kids) Just want to congratulate our little sister, and tell you how proud we are of you! Great job little! Hey, if you work "hard", you might have a good man, a cute kid, a Masters from a great school, and a top-pay-job when you are just 30!! Now, that's SOMETHING!
每次講到我兒子們或我妹子們,外人大概都覺得我實在超臭屁的…驕傲的勒! 但我覺得如果真的有好的成績,值得讚賞的事,當然不必謙虛啦! 像我們這種 cocky family,人家可真拿我們沒辦法呢! 還在冒泡! 好啦好啦,人家開心嘛!
- Mar 23 Fri 2007 16:45