
大少英文書籍越讀得多,我對香港教育在閱讀領域中的實踐方案越不苟同。學校無論中文英文課,閱讀都只為了考試。考試中,千篇一律的文章,不停重複操作類似的問題;連作文題目也和我三十年前在台灣上小學時沒什麼兩樣。考試後,很少人會去圖書館借一本自己喜歡的書來過暑假,更別說提筆寫日記了。但大少之所以在繁忙的學業中仍然有大量的閱讀,原因沒有其他︰完全因為他喜歡,他放不下手上的故事。從他的書單不難看出,他什麼書都喜歡看。有些是借給弟弟看的〞小孩書〞,他時間很少時,隨手抓來看,看得嘻嘻哈哈笑倒在地上。有些是他的摯愛 Marvel 的漫畫,除了把圖書館所有的存貨都借回來看外,幾乎每天都在網上研究這些超人和變種人的故事,我甚至認真對他建議,他應該長大後到 Marvel 找份工作,這樣媽媽可以免費看 Marvel 電影的首映﹗﹗  當然,有些是我看了別人的書單後,借給他看的,比如 Roland Smith 的 Peak 和其他冒險故事,他都欲罷不能,愛不釋手。今年 (2012 年 6 月到 2013 年 6 月),他的最愛應該是 Life of Pi 和 Lord of the Ring。Life of Pi 是因為要看李安電影而買給他看的,沒有想到他那麼喜歡。我也因為看了電影,可以和他進行討論,發表我們彼此對複雜的人性之見解。 Lord of the Ring 是他考期末考那個月才開始看的,一本看完,完全停不了,也顧不得考試,夜夜追書,連哈比人都看完後,一直拍手叫好,說是他喜歡有些〞深度〞的書,完全估計不到結局,令人著迷。不難看出,大少喜歡節奏快的書,可能這個年紀的小孩,因為現代媒體刺激過多,對慢節奏的書與電影,還沒學會接受吧﹗

補充一下讓大家了解香港小學的閱讀狀況。這份書單純粹是我們自己的私房書單,不是學校的。根據我的了解,香港的小學閱讀程度參疵不齊。公立小學的英文課專注於文法單字,可能到六年級還看不懂我們一年級書單上的書。直資私立小學,大多鼓勵閱讀,商業化一點的甚至和出版商合作向學生派發出版商的書單(i.e. Scholastic book catalogues)。國際學校的學生所唸的書則比較接近我們的書單。但是絕大部份小學很少硬性規定學生必需完成哪些閱讀,或做讀書報告。而且我個人覺得最可惜的是,學校完全不會對任何課外書籍或文學作品進行討論。沒有了老師的引讀和師生的討論,除了學生之間程度參差越來越大之外,語言的學習也永遠止於第二語言習得(second language acquisition),學會發音拼字文法,可以大聲讀出一本書的小朋友很多,但是懂得內容的,或更深一層的主題和暗喻的,則少之又少。  




A Perfect Time for Pandas

Osborne, Mary Pope


Marci, Thomas

Avengers VS X-Men


Big Nate – Makes The Grade

Peirce, Lincoln

Big Nate Flips Out

Peirce, Lincoln

Big Nate Game On!

Peirce, Lincoln

Brian’s Return

Paulsen, Gary

Bumageddon…The Final Pongflict

Griffiths, Andy

Captain Underpants and the Revolting Revenge of the Radioactive Robo-Boxers

Pilkey, Dav

Captain Underpants and the Terrifying Return of Tippy Tinkletrousers

Pilkey, Dav

Chasing Vermeer

Ballett, Blue

Civil War – A Marvel Comics Event

Millar, Mark

Cole: Ninja of Earth

Farshtey, Greg


Paulsen, Gary

Cryptid Hunters

Smith, Roland

Diary of a Wimpy Kid – The Third Wheel

Kinney, Jeff

Do Not Open – An encyclopedia of the world’s best-kept secrets

Nottage, Claire

Fear Itself

Fraction, Matt

Gathering Blue

Lowry, Lois

Genetic Engineering

Dowswell, Paul

George Brown Class Clown – Keep On Burpin’ Books #4-6

Krulik, Nancy

Goosebumps Collection 5

Stine, R.L.

Heroes of Olympus The Demigod Diaries

Riordan, Rick

Horrible Science – Disgusting Digestion

Arnold, Nick

Horrible Science – Microscopic Monsters

Arnold, Nick

Horrible Science – Space, Stars and Slimy Aliens

Arnold, Nick

Horrible Science – The Terrible Truth About Time

Arnold, Nick

House of M

Bendis, Brian

Jacob Have I Loved

Paterson, Katherine

Judy Moody & Stink The Holly Joliday

McDonald, Megan

Judy Moody & Stink The Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Treasure Hunt

McDonald, Megan

Just Annoying!

Griffiths, Andy

Just Crazy!

Griffiths, Andy

Just Disgusting!

Griffiths, Andy

Just Stupid

Griffiths, Andy

Kai: Ninja of Fire

Farshtey, Greg

Lawn Boy

Paulsen, Gary

Life of Pi

Martel, Yann

Marvel Adventures – Fantastic Four

Parker, Jeff

Marvel Adventures – Spider-Man

Tobin, Paul


Lowry, Lois

Middle School Get Me Out of Here!

Patterson, James

Mr. Burke is Berserk!

Gutman, Dan

Mr. Harrison is Embarrassin!

Gutman, Dan

Mr. Midnight

Lee, James

Mrs. Lilly is Silly!

Gutman Dan

Ms.Beard is Weird!

Gutman, Dan


Smith, Roland

Return of the Homework Machine

Gutman, Dan

Rise of The Snakes

West, Tracy

Roscoe Riley Rules #1 Never Glue Your Friends to Chairs

Applegate, Katherine

Secret Invasion

 Bendis, Brian


Bendis, Brian


Lowry, Lois

Son of Sobek

Riordan, Rick

Stink and the Ultimate Thumb-Wrestling Smackdown

Mcdonald, Megan


Smith, Roland

The Amazing Spiderman – The Book of Ezekiel

Straczynski, Michael

The Day My Bum Went Psycho

Griffiths, Andy

The Extraordinary Education of Nicholas Benedict

Stewart, Trenton Lee

The Family Under the Bridge

Carlson, Natalie Savage

The Hobbit

Tolkien, J.R.R.

The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles

Andres, Julie

The Lord of the Rings Part One: The Fellowship of the Ring

Tolkien, J.R.R.

The Lord of the Rings Part Three: The Return of the King

Tolkien, J.R.R.

The Lord of the Rings Part Two: The Two Towers

Tolkien, J.R.R.

The Mark of Athena


The Mouse and the Motorcycle

Cleary, Beverly

The New Avengers

Bendis, Brian

The New Avengers - Breakout

Bendis, Brian



大少一年級的英文書單 - 1st Grade English Books Reading List

大少二年級的英文書單 - 2nd Grade English Books Reading List

大少三年級的英文書單 - 3rd Grade English Books Reading List

大少四年級的英文書單 - 4th Grade English Books Reading List


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