大少英文書籍越讀得多,我對香港教育在閱讀領域中的實踐方案越不苟同。學校無論中文英文課,閱讀都只為了考試。考試中,千篇一律的文章,不停重複操作類似的問題;連作文題目也和我三十年前在台灣上小學時沒什麼兩樣。考試後,很少人會去圖書館借一本自己喜歡的書來過暑假,更別說提筆寫日記了。但大少之所以在繁忙的學業中仍然有大量的閱讀,原因沒有其他︰完全因為他喜歡,他放不下手上的故事。從他的書單不難看出,他什麼書都喜歡看。有些是借給弟弟看的〞小孩書〞,他時間很少時,隨手抓來看,看得嘻嘻哈哈笑倒在地上。有些是他的摯愛 Marvel 的漫畫,除了把圖書館所有的存貨都借回來看外,幾乎每天都在網上研究這些超人和變種人的故事,我甚至認真對他建議,他應該長大後到 Marvel 找份工作,這樣媽媽可以免費看 Marvel 電影的首映﹗﹗ 當然,有些是我看了別人的書單後,借給他看的,比如 Roland Smith 的 Peak 和其他冒險故事,他都欲罷不能,愛不釋手。今年 (2012 年 6 月到 2013 年 6 月),他的最愛應該是 Life of Pi 和 Lord of the Ring。Life of Pi 是因為要看李安電影而買給他看的,沒有想到他那麼喜歡。我也因為看了電影,可以和他進行討論,發表我們彼此對複雜的人性之見解。 Lord of the Ring 是他考期末考那個月才開始看的,一本看完,完全停不了,也顧不得考試,夜夜追書,連哈比人都看完後,一直拍手叫好,說是他喜歡有些〞深度〞的書,完全估計不到結局,令人著迷。不難看出,大少喜歡節奏快的書,可能這個年紀的小孩,因為現代媒體刺激過多,對慢節奏的書與電影,還沒學會接受吧﹗
補充一下讓大家了解香港小學的閱讀狀況。這份書單純粹是我們自己的私房書單,不是學校的。根據我的了解,香港的小學閱讀程度參疵不齊。公立小學的英文課專注於文法單字,可能到六年級還看不懂我們一年級書單上的書。直資私立小學,大多鼓勵閱讀,商業化一點的甚至和出版商合作向學生派發出版商的書單(i.e. Scholastic book catalogues)。國際學校的學生所唸的書則比較接近我們的書單。但是絕大部份小學很少硬性規定學生必需完成哪些閱讀,或做讀書報告。而且我個人覺得最可惜的是,學校完全不會對任何課外書籍或文學作品進行討論。沒有了老師的引讀和師生的討論,除了學生之間程度參差越來越大之外,語言的學習也永遠止於第二語言習得(second language acquisition),學會發音拼字文法,可以大聲讀出一本書的小朋友很多,但是懂得內容的,或更深一層的主題和暗喻的,則少之又少。
Title |
Author |
A Perfect Time for Pandas |
Osborne, Mary Pope |
Avengers |
Marci, Thomas |
Avengers VS X-Men |
Marvel |
Big Nate – Makes The Grade |
Peirce, Lincoln |
Big Nate Flips Out |
Peirce, Lincoln |
Big Nate Game On! |
Peirce, Lincoln |
Brian’s Return |
Paulsen, Gary |
Bumageddon…The Final Pongflict |
Griffiths, Andy |
Captain Underpants and the Revolting Revenge of the Radioactive Robo-Boxers |
Pilkey, Dav |
Captain Underpants and the Terrifying Return of Tippy Tinkletrousers |
Pilkey, Dav |
Chasing Vermeer |
Ballett, Blue |
Civil War – A Marvel Comics Event |
Millar, Mark |
Cole: Ninja of Earth |
Farshtey, Greg |
Crush |
Paulsen, Gary |
Cryptid Hunters |
Smith, Roland |
Diary of a Wimpy Kid – The Third Wheel |
Kinney, Jeff |
Do Not Open – An encyclopedia of the world’s best-kept secrets |
Nottage, Claire |
Fear Itself |
Fraction, Matt |
Gathering Blue |
Lowry, Lois |
Genetic Engineering |
Dowswell, Paul |
George Brown Class Clown – Keep On Burpin’ Books #4-6 |
Krulik, Nancy |
Goosebumps Collection 5 |
Stine, R.L. |
Heroes of Olympus The Demigod Diaries |
Riordan, Rick |
Horrible Science – Disgusting Digestion |
Arnold, Nick |
Horrible Science – Microscopic Monsters |
Arnold, Nick |
Horrible Science – Space, Stars and Slimy Aliens |
Arnold, Nick |
Horrible Science – The Terrible Truth About Time |
Arnold, Nick |
House of M |
Bendis, Brian |
Jacob Have I Loved |
Paterson, Katherine |
Judy Moody & Stink The Holly Joliday |
McDonald, Megan |
Judy Moody & Stink The Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Treasure Hunt |
McDonald, Megan |
Just Annoying! |
Griffiths, Andy |
Just Crazy! |
Griffiths, Andy |
Just Disgusting! |
Griffiths, Andy |
Just Stupid |
Griffiths, Andy |
Kai: Ninja of Fire |
Farshtey, Greg |
Lawn Boy |
Paulsen, Gary |
Life of Pi |
Martel, Yann |
Marvel Adventures – Fantastic Four |
Parker, Jeff |
Marvel Adventures – Spider-Man |
Tobin, Paul |
Messenger |
Lowry, Lois |
Middle School Get Me Out of Here! |
Patterson, James |
Mr. Burke is Berserk! |
Gutman, Dan |
Mr. Harrison is Embarrassin! |
Gutman, Dan |
Mr. Midnight |
Lee, James |
Mrs. Lilly is Silly! |
Gutman Dan |
Ms.Beard is Weird! |
Gutman, Dan |
Peak |
Smith, Roland |
Return of the Homework Machine |
Gutman, Dan |
Rise of The Snakes |
West, Tracy |
Roscoe Riley Rules #1 Never Glue Your Friends to Chairs |
Applegate, Katherine |
Secret Invasion |
Bendis, Brian |
Siege |
Bendis, Brian |
Son |
Lowry, Lois |
Son of Sobek |
Riordan, Rick |
Stink and the Ultimate Thumb-Wrestling Smackdown |
Mcdonald, Megan |
Tentacles |
Smith, Roland |
The Amazing Spiderman – The Book of Ezekiel |
Straczynski, Michael |
The Day My Bum Went Psycho |
Griffiths, Andy |
The Extraordinary Education of Nicholas Benedict |
Stewart, Trenton Lee |
The Family Under the Bridge |
Carlson, Natalie Savage |
The Hobbit |
Tolkien, J.R.R. |
The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles |
Andres, Julie |
The Lord of the Rings Part One: The Fellowship of the Ring |
Tolkien, J.R.R. |
The Lord of the Rings Part Three: The Return of the King |
Tolkien, J.R.R. |
The Lord of the Rings Part Two: The Two Towers |
Tolkien, J.R.R. |
The Mark of Athena |
Riordan,Rick |
The Mouse and the Motorcycle |
Cleary, Beverly |
The New Avengers |
Bendis, Brian |
The New Avengers - Breakout |
Bendis, Brian |
大少一年級的英文書單 - 1st Grade English Books Reading List
大少二年級的英文書單 - 2nd Grade English Books Reading List